
Wednesday 3 April 2013

Seaside Fun!

Once again, i come to write my blog again after months of forgetting!
So much has happened since my last post that i'll probably not even remember it, let alone fit it all in the text box! 
I hope everyone had a nice easter!

So, yesterday me and the boy went to the seaside town of Weston Super Mare, which is about 30 minutes from the city of Bristol. 
We took the chance in the small window of sunshine we had to go and play on the pier, eat ice-cream, chips and do all the normal things one do on a trip to the sea side, minus paddling and making sand castles, because due to the wintery wind, it was a bit cold! 

So, we managed to win 130 tickets on the pier, and we managed to get a little shell necklace (for me) and with the rest of the 30 tickets we got lolly pops! 

Its nice to know that i live only a few minutes away from a lovely sea side town, and while many people may mock it, and perhaps, hate it, i have happy family memories and good times there!

Monday 4 June 2012


So today i returned to work after 9 days holiday, which i enjoyed very much. I also worked hard with a new healthy eating, exercising routine. I went to the gym, ate healthily and did what any other normal person on a "diet" would do.
In a routine chat with the manager and my friend i was told that i looked healthy and in turn lost weight, which at first i felt happy and flattered, but in turn i also wondered that if someone had noticed that i had lost weight, does that then mean that i looked "bigger" before i went away? I mean, don't get me wrong, its obviously worked out for the best and worked in my benefit, but it just made me ponder.

In another note, i hope those of you that had the chance to enjoy the Jubliee did and enjoyed they're bank holiday! :)


Saturday 2 June 2012

Obsessed much? and Happy Jubilee!

So, once again, i find myself drawn to making certain purchases that maybe i could have avoided. I don't know why i continue to do it. I guess i work hard, but when does it become ok to spend all of ones wages on the idea that "I've worked hard, so i deserve it" surely that doesn't mean spending the whole amount on endless new clothes, shoes and handbags, or maybe i'm being a bit rash, after all, its not all of my wages, and i do work hard........

Anyway, this was todays purchase of choice, from George at Asda, a fetching jumper at £14. I think i may do my first ever OOTD and post some pics.

Anyway, i would also like to say Happy Jubilee to all, lets all join together in celebrating the queens Jubes!! 

Friday 1 June 2012

Long time no speak!

I realised the other day that I've not actually written in here for ages, not that I'm very used to blogging yet as such as i have no followers at the moment to read any of my ramblings haha! Im just getting around to this type of thing and also thinking of possibly making a few youtube videos but i really don't know where to start. I think i'll look into all of that! 


Wednesday 30 March 2011

Band one or band two?

Confusion at its best in the surgery when its not clear what band is set out for the specific dental treatment that is being carried out, so as you can imagine it keeps me on my toes when i have to keep asking the dentist what band it is and then also having to explain to the receptionist what he's done and why he's done it. Never a dull moment when it comes to dental nursing, not that im becoming complacent.

In other news...
My not so little cousin turned 15 today, you tend to realise their not children anymore by what they wear out of the door on a weekend when not in school uniform!! More eyeliner than a high street cosmetics shop!!

xx Miss Frankie Anne xx